19 August 2010

Your Sacred Calling Design

The latest design I created was for the dear Mrs. Stacy McDonald of Your Sacred Calling.Your Sacred Calling

In both the header and menu is the scan from a blank page in one of my old books. (There are so many uses for scans of old books!) Two lovely fonts make up for the header text as well as the sidebar titles, and the creamy background pulls all the warm colors together in one smooth and gentle stroke.

Inscribed in the sidebar is this beautiful quote:

What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in Heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well pleasing to God, not on account of the position or work, but on account of the Word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow.” —Martin Luther

You might want to head on over to Your Sacred Calling and look through some of the wonderful articles written there and maybe even leave Mrs. McDonald a note!

P.S. At this time I am not taking on any new clients for blog design (Mrs. McDonald has been on the schedule for quite a while), but if/when I do start offering design services again, I will be sure to post about it here on my blog. (You can subscribe here.)

  1. 14 Responses to “Design: Your Sacred Calling”

  2. Emily Rose on Aug 20, 2010 said:

    Note: Featured in the header of Your Sacred Calling is a painting by Carl Holsoe, entitled, “Girl Sewing in an Interior.”

  3. Emily on Aug 20, 2010 said:

    What a lovely design!
    I was wondering what font you used for your signature. The reason is that my name is also Emily and the capital E is exactly how I sign my name! I can’t find it that way in any of the font places I’ve looked.
    Sister in Christ,

  4. Emily Rose on Aug 20, 2010 said:

    Emily, that is sweet that the way you write “E” is the same way it is in the font. The signature at the bottom of the posts is actually a combination of two fonts. The “E” and “R” are in La Portenia de la Boca and the rest is in P22 Corinthia.

  5. Lindsay on Aug 20, 2010 said:

    Wow, you are *so* talented, Emily Rose! I love your designs. They’re just gorgeous! :)

  6. Kate on Aug 20, 2010 said:

    The design is absolutely beautiful as always, Emily, and I love the quote. See you soon. :)

  7. Miss. Antoinette on Aug 20, 2010 said:

    How wonderful Emily!!! It looks lovely!


    Miss Antoinette

    PS. Tell your sister I said “Hello”! :)

  8. Joanna on Aug 20, 2010 said:

    Oh it is lovely! I wish I could do that. Where did you learn html?

  9. Emily Rose on Aug 20, 2010 said:

    Joanna, thank you. I mostly taught myself through experimentation and finding out what worked and what didn’t. If there was ever something I couldn’t figure out, I would just search online for a tutorial on how to do it (and still do).

  10. Luci on Aug 20, 2010 said:

    You are amazingly gifted! I LOVE the new site ~ it’s gorgeous! :)


  11. Jessica on Aug 20, 2010 said:

    I like it; especially the vintage-style paper.

  12. Allison on Aug 21, 2010 said:

    I saw the new look a couple of days ago! You did a fabulous job!
    Also, thank you for all of the info you emailed me on creating websites.. but it costs money… (I don’t think I’m interested in that at the moment). But I did find another place called webs.com and it does web-sites very nicely, so I am looking into that! Thank you anyway though!

  13. Hannah Mendenhall on Aug 21, 2010 said:

    Oh yes indeed old books are the best scans for texture!

  14. Avinash on Aug 23, 2010 said:

    This is awesome, very very good

  15. Rhonda Devine on Aug 23, 2010 said:

    Beautiful, Emily Rose~love that vintage touch:)

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